Currently in ESiF we do not have the ability to search for specific postcodes, or data relating to them.

What we can advise is that you go to one of these sites to locate your postcode in a specific area.

IMD data

To examine IMD 2015 and 2019 data for specific postcodes, see the MHCLG’s Indices of Deprivation 2019 explorer (postcode mapper) (Indices of Deprivation 2015 and 2019).

Go to the “pin” icon in the top right hand corner of the map, then put the postcode in.  It will tell you the LSOA, ward and district the postcode is in.  The box gives IMD ranks in 2015 and 2019, and tells you what decile that LSOA falls into.  You can also see which decile  the LSOA is in by looking at the map (very dark blue for most deprived).  You can toggle through the different deprivation domains (income, employment etc) by clicking on the “Switch domain to” icons at the top of the page

Other Tools

Nomis (Nomis – Official Census and Labour Market Statistics) has a “2021 Census Local Area Report” box on the front page, and if you put your postcode in there, it will list the Ward, local authority district (LTLA), upper tier local authority (UTLA), Output area, LSOA and MSOA that that postcode is in.

Explore local statistics (Explore local statistics – ONS) is a useful tool from ONS with a box where you can put your postcode and see which areas that postcode is in, this includes Parliamentary constituency, ward and parish, as well as MSOA and LSOA.

You can access some data using both of those latter tools.